Proven Foundation

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 19:17.



Proven Foundation is a charitable Non- Profit Organization based in Ugandan that was started purposefully to make a positive change in different areas like education, health care, response to disasters and better living of the vulnerable. The foundation aims to inspire hope to the vulnerable, through education, material support, health care, life skills training and income generating activities. .

For people to lead healthy and productive lives, they need knowledge to prevent sickness and disease. For children and adolescents to learn, they need to be well nourished and healthy..

Our programatic areas

Proven Foundation strives to make a positive change in different areas;

Education and skills Development Program.

Education and skills development plays a critical role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as they serve as a foundation for promoting inclusive and equitable development. The SDGs, set by the United Nations in 2015, are a global blueprint for ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring prosperity for all by 2030.

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Sustainable Agriculture Initiative program

The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) program plays a crucial role in advancing several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by promoting farming practices that are environmentally sound, socially responsible, and economically viable. Sustainable agriculture addresses food security, protects ecosystems, and help in mitigating climate change.

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Menstrual and Mental health support program

Improving mental and menstrual health support is integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, as both issues are critical to gender equality, health, and sustainable development. By addressing these areas, we foster a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous world for all. These health aspects align.....

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Supportive hands program

The Supportive Hands Program focuses on initiatives that promote social welfare, health, education, and environmental sustainability. This program contributes multiple SDGs by addressing poverty, inequality, education, health, and more. Its alignment with specific goals depends on the precise services and support we offer at any one point..

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Proven Foundation drives different activities into communities aiming to achieve a number of Strategic Development Goals (SDGs)

Skilling in liquid soap making

We empower communities with liquid soap-making skills to enhance hygiene and economic opportunities.

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Sustainable agriculture trainings

We promote sustainable farming practices to improve food security and environmental conservation.

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Career guidance in schools

We guide students towards informed career choices to support education and employment opportunities.

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Skilling in re-usable sanitary pads making

We teach reusable sanitary pad-making to improve menstrual hygiene in youth and women's health.

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Counseling for Gender Based Violence (GBV) combating

We provide counseling services to combat GBV and all other forms of violence and promote gender equality.

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Donation of food and household items

We distribute essential food and household items to support vulnerable families in need.

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Proven Outreaches

Proven Foundation has conducted outreach programs in various communities around the country for different reasons and different target groups

  • All
  • Hoima
  • Arua
  • Kapchorwa
  • Omoro


We support households targeting self-sustainance


We beleive in easy to acquire skills for community development


We distribute foodstuffs to help for the time being

Child headed

Some of these families are child headed & struggling to support each other


Some families have heads who have had unfortunate times on the road leading them to amputation

Community Development

The gradual development of rural communities comes at an expense of people coming together to deliver extra-ordinary services


What would you do for a children's home, run entirely on charity?


Skills trainings for both hygiene and commercial purposes


We welcome donations in all forms and we are so grateful to our dear donors


Along with us, we carry hope, we carry love, we carry faith that life will be better for these communities if they put in the hard work


Together, we can do more
